I made a sausage and onion pizza on Monday. It resembled the real deal, which is not always the case with my pizzas. I used the
dough recipe from Mark Bittman's NYTimes blog Bitten, but instead of making 2-3 medium pizzas, I made one large pizza. I also cooked the pizza on a pizza pan sitting on a pizza stone in a 410 degree oven for about 26 minutes. It seems like 350 degrees would not be hot enough to cook a pizza of that size.
The dough was a little tough to form on the pan because I did not knead it quite enough before letting it rise. That said, the crust was just the way I like it. For those thin-crusters out there, this is not the recipe for you. It was thick, and chewy, and puffy in places. The toppings were simply sauce, mozzarella, onion, and italian sausage.
I wish I had a camera to have recorded my triumph. Next time.
It was very yummy! My coconut cake was yummy too!