Snooki in the NYTimes
Why is this news? Why does it merit an article in the Sunday Magazine? As a representative of the cultural zeitgeist, what does this say about us? We are just as whorish as Snooki in her cleavage-bearing dresses and classless demeanor in our fascination with the vomit-inducing vomiting and sex-capading on The Jersey Shore. Are we more pluralistic in our embrace of this cultural icon? Is Snooki the great class equalizer?
I doubt it. It's like watching a train wreck or car accident. We know we should look away and better ourselves with something more sustaining, but we can't.
I've never even seen the show.
I haven't seen it either. And I don't feel deprived--what little I've heard of/about it is enough to keep me away from watching forever.
ReplyDeleteAnd may I just say that I love you for this sentence: "We are just as whorish as Snooki in her cleavage-bearing dresses and classless demeanor in our fascination with the vomit-inducing vomiting and sex-capading on The Jersey Shore."